
|Support| Installing Defense Battery - 1

Embryo has established a base somewhere in Gracia and its enormous battleship is invading the Keucereus Alliance Base…
Requirements:keucereus alliance base defensive battle in progress
 XP 3 462 150 762
 Available SP 6 924 302
 Low-grade Keucereus Defense Supply Box 1
 Defense Battery drive system

1. Take the Cannon Activator

 Talk with Blacksmith
Receive the device to activate the Keucereus Defense Battery. Talk to Apprentice Blacksmith Lai or Head Blacksmith Gerdt to get this activator.

2. Install Keucereus Defense Battery.

 Activate Defense Battery
Go up to the 2nd floor of the Keucereus Alliance Base and you can find the Keucereus Defense Battery. First, you should choose the Defense Battery to install and complete the installation by using the activator. The enemies will always lay their eyes on the Defense Battery while it is in operation, so everyone should protect the one who started activating the battery.