
Request from the Mother Tree Guardians

The Mother Tree Guardians Envoy Marienne, who has come to the dwelling, says that the Mother Tree Guardians need help.
NPC: Marienne
 Mother Tree Guardians Medal 1

1. Helping the Mother Tree Guardians

Target: Enchanted Valley
 Helping the Mother Tree Guardians
Mother Tree Guardian Envoy Marienne, who has come to visit the residence, has asked you to help the Mother Tree Guardians. The Mother Tree Guardians can be helped by carrying out the daily quests in the following areas.

Enchanted Valley: Disappeared Race, New Fairy, Contamination Containment
Shadow of the Mother Tree: Changes in the Shadow of the Mother Tree, What the Thread of the Past Shows

2. To Marienne

Target: Mother Tree Guardians Envoy Marienne
 Speak with Marienne
You have helped the Mother Tree Guardians. Return to the Mother Tree Guardian envoy Marienne at the dwelling.