
|Defense| All-out Battle - 1

Embryo has established a base somewhere in Gracia and its enormous battleship is invading the Keucereus Alliance Base…
Requirements:keucereus alliance base defensive battle in progress
 XP 7 777 499 796
 Available SP 15 555 000
 High-grade Keucereus Defense Supply Box 1

1. Obtain Mark of Embryo.

 Mark of Embryo 25
Defeat the Embryo soldiers invading the Keucereus Alliance Base and obtain the Mark of Embryo.

Monsters to hunt: Embryo Raider, Embryo Passionate Soldier, Embryo Guardian Captain, Embryo Elite Captain, Embryo Dark Wizard, Embryo Flame Master, Embryo High Priest, Embryo Archon, Embryo Soul Reaper, Embryo Slaughterer, Embryo Soul Pathfinder