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Dimensional Valakas Caster

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Top-grade Dragon Weapon.

PvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1999, M. Skill Critical Rate +500, damage to dragons +300%.

1. Protection: For 2 min., Speed +100, immunity to debuffs. Consumes 1 Dragon Blood. Cooldown is 10 min.
2. Valakas' Breath: Nearby enemies' Atk./ Casting Spd. and Speed -90%, also slowly paralyzes them for 10 sec. Consumes 1 Dragon Blood. Cooldown is 5 min.
3. Valakas' Meteor: Destroys nearby enemies' CP. Cooldown is 5 min.
Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos. Cannot be appearance modified, crystallized, enchanted, or assigned with attributes.

Дубина / Одноручный

Физ. Атака: 2307
Маг. Атака: 1676
Скорость Атаки: 379
Исп. Заряд Души: x1
Исп. Заряд Духа: x1
Вес: 1080


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