Giant's Scroll: Enchant R-grade Weapon
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For R-grade weapons
P. Atk. +6 for one-handed swords/ blunts/ staffs, daggers, spears
P. Atk. +7 for two-handed swords/ blunts/ staffs, dual daggers, dual swords, fists, crossbows
P. Atk. +12 for bows
M. Atk. +5 for all weapons
Starting from +4, P./ M. Atk. bonus is greatly increased (more so in case of blessed weapons). The enchanting is random from +1 to +3.
Cannot be used for weapons enchanted to +30 or higher.
Вес: 10
Цена на рынке: 76 100 000
P. Atk. +6 for one-handed swords/ blunts/ staffs, daggers, spears
P. Atk. +7 for two-handed swords/ blunts/ staffs, dual daggers, dual swords, fists, crossbows
P. Atk. +12 for bows
M. Atk. +5 for all weapons
Starting from +4, P./ M. Atk. bonus is greatly increased (more so in case of blessed weapons). The enchanting is random from +1 to +3.
Cannot be used for weapons enchanted to +30 or higher.
Вес: 10
Цена на рынке: 76 100 000
NPC | Lev. | Chance | Amount | HP | Herbs | +_+ |
Андреас ван Холтер Andreas Van Halter |
99 | 20.88% | 1 | 36 816 713 | ? | 0 |
Антарас Antharas |
118 | 20.08% | 10 | 825 744 591 | ? | 0 |
Берима Berimah |
101 | 1/33333 | 1 | 5 440 127 | ? | 0 |
Валакас Valakas |
118 | 20.77% | 10 | 825 744 591 | ? | 0 |
Вождь Нерба Туракан Nerva Chief Turakan |
99 | 20.83% | 1 | 23 023 280 | ? | 0 |
Зачарованный Мимир Enhanced Mimir |
103 | 20.53% | 1 | 57 060 270 | ? | 0 |
Земляной Червь Траскен Earth Wyrm Trasken |
99 | 20.95% | 2 | 871 083 426 | ? | 0 |
Изабела Isabella |
104 | 20.50% | 1 | 43 618 806 | ? | 0 |
Кайн ван Холтер Kain van Halter |
109 | 19.11% | 10-20 | 578 140 532 | ? | 0 |
Линдвиор Lindvior |
104 | 19.80% | 10 | 498 728 877 | ? | 0 |
Линдвиор Lindvior |
104 | 20.30% | 10 | 498 728 877 | ? | 0 |
Литара Lithra |
106 | 19.36% | 1 | 18 820 610 | ? | 0 |
Марка Marka |
101 | 1/33333 | 1 | 5 440 127 | ? | 0 |
Мимир Mimir |
102 | 19.44% | 1 | 33 901 549 | ? | 0 |
Огромная Золотая Свинья Gigantic Golden Pig |
105 | 20.40% | 4 | 49 872 886 | ? | 0 |
Орфен Orfen |
118 | 19.41% | 1 | 1 159 424 281 | ? | 0 |
Рамона Ramona |
104 | 19.34% | 1 | 64 735 847 | ? | 0 |
Суриэн Schlien |
101 | 1/33333 | 1 | 5 440 127 | ? | 0 |
Теор Theor |
99 | 20.90% | 1 | 5 116 283 | no | 0 |
Тэбот Tebot |
99 | 20.05% | 1 | 5 116 283 | ? | 0 |
Тэджакар Thesakar |
99 | 19.65% | 1 | 5 116 283 | no | 0 |
Тэкаф Tegaffe |
99 | 19.19% | 1 | 5 116 283 | no | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.80% | 3-4 | 412 872 295 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.70% | 4-5 | 550 496 395 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.22% | 5-10 | 688 120 493 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.87% | 10 | 825 744 591 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.18% | 10 | 1 100 992 788 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.67% | 10 | 1 238 616 886 | ? | 0 |
Фафурион Fafurion |
118 | 20.13% | 10 | 1 376 240 986 | ? | 0 |
Хелиос Helios |
105 | 20.59% | 4 | 589 355 365 | ? | 0 |
Этис ван Этина Etis van Etina |
109 | 19.50% | 10-20 | 424 584 427 | ? | 0 |
NPC | Lev. | Chance | Amount | HP | Herbs | ^_^ |
Герой Младших Гигантов Lesser Giant Soldier |
100 | 1/33333 | 1 | 334 885 | no | 0 |
Резервист Младших Гигантов Lesser Giant Support Troop |
100 | 1/33333 | 1 | 334 885 | ? | 0 |
Стрелок Младших Гигантов Lesser Giant Archer |
100 | 1/33333 | 1 | 334 885 | ? | 0 |